State Advocacy Days

Celebrate March As Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month!

March is nationally recognized as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. Join NBDF Colorado in celebrating and honoring the bleeding disorders community. In 2016, thanks to your advocacy efforts, March was officially designated as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month.

How To Get Involved

If you are on social media, you can update your Facebook or Twitter profile picture with a supporting ribbon. Use the hashtags #BDAM and #BleedingDisordersAwarenessMonth when posting to help our cause go viral.

State Advocacy Days: Friday March 4, 2022

State advocacy days are one of the major highlights of local chapter advocacy programs. During these advocacy days, NBDF teams with local chapters, volunteers, and other organizations to host a day at the state capitol. The event usually consists of a training session for volunteers where we provide talking points and engage in role-playing activities. Training is followed by a day at the capitol where volunteers meet with their elected officials to educate them about hemophilia and related bleeding disorders. Constituents may visit representatives for various reasons including to educate them, build relationships, thank them, and advocate for or against a piece of legislation.

State advocacy days give elected officials the opportunity to learn firsthand from affected individuals and families how expensive treating bleeding orders can be, and how important it is to have access to comprehensive care and continuity of care. Legislators learn how not having access to the proper treatment can be detrimental to the health of someone with a bleeding disorder, and potentially cost the state a lot of money in the long run.

Putting a face to hemophilia makes a significant impact.


2022 State Advocacy Day

There is strength in numbers, and you matter. On Friday, March 4th members in the bleeding disorder community will gather to meet with their local legislators to share their stories and concerns. Whether you are interested in sharing your story or sitting back to listen – your presence is crucial to the cause. As we advocate for the rights of bleeding disorder patients, we hope that you are standing there next to us.

8:00 – 9:00 AM Advocacy Training, Old Supreme Court Chamber on the Second Floor

9:00 – 11:00 AM Legislator Meetings

Advocates invited to chamber or floor to hear tribute readings

12:00 PM *possible group lunch (depends on legislative meetings)*

Resource Links

13199 E Montview Blvd
STE 200
Aurora, CO 80045

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2025

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